Visual Arts and Design Enduring Understanding  1
Creative Processes – Visual Art and Design is the process of creative problem solving using both traditional and innovative media, tools, techniques, and processes in order to make the imagined visible.
Elementary Assessment Targets
Students formulate ideas for creating their own works of art and design using brainstorming strategies, sketching, and journaling; use a variety of media, techniques, and processes to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas; and apply basic art concepts (e.g., line, color, shape, texture, and pattern).

GSEs for Grades 3-4
VAD 1 (3-4)-1
Students demonstrate knowledge and application of Visual Art and Design concepts by…

a. describing and applying basic VAD concepts: line, shape, form, texture, color, organization of visual compositions, emphasis/focal point, pattern, balance/ symmetry, and contrast

b. applying basic strategies and techniques to address artistic problems

c. using observation to develop a visual representation of basic objects
d.  maintaining a portfolio of self-created art work and explaining art concepts learned
VAD 1 (3-4) – 2
Students demonstrate knowledge and skill of media, tools, techniques, and processes of Visual Art and Design by…
a. identifying  and using media, tools, techniques, and processes with basic skill, while creating two- and three- dimensional  works of art and design (e.g., media, tools and techniques in drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, sculpture, ceramics, digital media)

b. demonstrating knowledge of basic art vocabulary relating to painting techniques and processes, and media, techniques, and processes
Visual Arts and Design Enduring Understanding  2
Cultural Contexts – Visual Art and Design creatively expresses the values and ideas of human experience, community, and civilization.~
Elementary Assessment Targets
Students recognize ways that works of art express unique characteristics based on culture, time, and place.
GSEs for Grades 3-4
VAD 2(3-4)-1
Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role of Visual Art and Design in personal, cultural, and historical contexts by…
a. comparing different purposes for making visual art and design (e.g., telling a story, communicating ideas and emotions, creating functional objects)

b. describing  the connections between Visual Arts and Design and other disciplines
(e.g., artists communicate historical events; artists explain how things work in images)
c. Describing the roles of the arts and artist in society to communicate stories, events and feelings and to design things to work well
e. describing in broad terms how the visual arts and design are different and similar in different cultures or times
Visual Arts and Design Enduring Understanding 3
Communication – Visual Art and Design is a vehicle for expression and communication through the use and development of metaphor and symbol systems.

Elementary Assessment Targets
Students create works of art using VAD concepts to communicate their observations, ideas, and emotions and discuss works of art using VAD vocabulary.
GSEs for Grades 3-4
VAD 3 (3-4) –1
Students demonstrate the ability to communicate in the language of Visual Art and Design by…
a. identifying and applying media, techniques, processes, and visual arts and design concepts to convey feelings, ideas, or meanings
b. creating a unique solution for a basic visual art or design problem (e.g., designing or redesigning a toy from recycled materials)
c. describing how visual symbols in everyday life represent meaning (e.g. how different clothing styles - street clothes and uniforms - represent meaning; how media advertising persuades consumerism)
d. describing how their works of art or design are symbolic representations of  events, ideas, feelings, or beliefs
VAD 3 (3-4) –2
Students demonstrate the ability to extract meaning from works of art by…
a. describing subject matter, feeling and broad ideas (e.g.,  American pioneers struggling across the plains to find new homes in the west)
Visual Arts and Design Enduring Understanding  4
Aesthetic - Applying knowledge of Visual Art and Design in order to reflect on and evaluate the work of self and others.
Elementary Assessment Targets
Students make observations and ask probing questions to demonstrate an understanding about the process for gaining meaning from works of art and design.
GSEs for Grades 3-4
VAD 4 (3-4) –1
Students reflect upon, analyze and evaluate the work of self and others by…

a. describing subject matter, colors, shapes, and story seen in a work of art or design using affirmative statements
b. making interpretations based on observations
c. recognizing creative elements in the work
d. asking questions about other’s artwork relating to subject matter, colors, and shapes to gain a deeper understanding of the artwork’s meaning (e.g., Why is the girl hiding her face?)
e. contributing in individual or group discussions about work in which the student gives and receives constructive criticism
f. comparing one’s own work with the work of others by describing similarities and differences of subject matter, colors, shapes, and ideas